Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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3 Key Publications

Weiss, D. & Kornadt, A. E. (2018). Age-Stereotype Internalization and Dissociation: Contradictory Processes or Two Sides of the Same Coin? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27, 477-483.    [IF: 6.811]

Weiss, D., Job, V., Mathias, M., Grah, S., & Freund A.M. (2016). The end is (not) near: Aging, essentialism, and future time perspective. Developmental Psychology, 6, 996-1009.    [IF: 4.497]

Weiss, D., & Lang, F. R. (2012a). “They” are old but “I” feel younger: Age-group dissociation as a self-protective strategy in old age. Psychology and Aging, 27, 153-63.    [IF: 4.201]

Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals


Kornadt, A. E., Weiss, D., Couto, Clara de Paula, & Rothermund, K. (in press). Internalization or Dissociation? Negative age stereotypes make you feel younger now but make you feel older later. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B.    [IF: 4.942]

Weiss, D., & Blöchl, M. (2023). Loss of Social Status and Subjective Well-Being Across the Adult Life Span: Feeling Stuck or Moving Up? Social Psychological and Personality Science, 0(0).    [IF: 5.316]


Weiss, D., Weiss, M., Rudolph, C. W., & Zacher, H. (2022). Tough Times at the Top: Occupational Status Predicts Changes in Job Satisfaction in Times of Crisis. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 139, 103804.    [IF: 12.082]

Weiss, M., Weiss, D., & Zacher, H. (2022). All set in stone? How essentialist beliefs about aging affect older workers' motivation to continue working beyond retirement age. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 1–16.    [IF: 8.174]

Weiss, D., Greve, W., & Kunzmann, U. (2022). Responses to Social Inequality Across the Life Span: The Role of Social Status and Upward Mobility Beliefs. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 46,(4), 261–277.    [IF: 3.021]

Weiss, D. (2022). Fixed and Inevitable or Malleable and Modifiable? (Non)Essentialist Beliefs and Subjective Aging. In Palgi, Y., Shrira, A., & Diehl, M. (Eds.), Subjective Views of Aging: Theory, Research, and Practice. Springer Nature.

Weiss, D. & Weiss, M. (2022). Beyond Chronological Age: Alternative Age Constructs and their Implications in the Work Context. In Zacher, H. & Rudolph, C. (Eds.), Age and Work: Advances in Theory, Methods, and Practice. The SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series. Routledge.


Weiss, D. & Diehl, M. (2021). Measuring (Non)Essentialist Beliefs About the Process of Aging. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences, 76, (7), 1340–1348.    [IF: 4.942]

Swift, H. J., Barber, S. J., Lamont, R. A., Weiss, D., & Chasteen, A. L. (2021). Age-Based Stereotype Threat Effects on Performance Outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology, 5067.   .

Kornadt, A. E., Weiss, D., Gerstorf, D., Kunzmann, U., Luecke, A., Schilling, O., Katzorreck, M., Siebert, J., & Wahl, H.W. (2021). “I Felt so Old This Morning.” Short-Term Variations in Subjective Age and the Role of Trait Subjective Age: Evidence from the ILSE/EMIL Ecological Momentary Assessment Data. Psychology and Aging, 36, 373–382.    [IF: 4.201]

Blöchl, M., Nestler, S., & Weiss, D. (2021). A limit of the subjective age bias: Feeling younger to a certain degree, but no more, is beneficial for life satisfaction. Psychology and Aging, 36, 360–372.    [IF: 4.201]


Weiss, D., & Kunzmann, U. (2020). Longitudinal changes in subjective social status are linked to changes in positive and negative affect in midlife, but not in later adulthood. Psychology and Aging, 35, 937-947.    [IF: 4.201]

Weiss, D. & Zhang. X (2020). Multiple Sources of Aging Attitudes: Perceptions of Age Groups and Generations from Adolescence to Old Age across China, Germany, and the US. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 6, 407-423.    [IF: 2.577]

Weiss, D. & Perry E.  (2020). Implications of Generational and Age Metastereotypes for Older Adults at Work: The Role of Agency, Stereotype Threat, and Job Search Self-Efficacy. Work, Aging & Retirement, 1, 15-27.    [IF: 5.682]


Weiss, D. & Weiss, M.  (2019). Why people feel younger: Motivational and social-cognitive mechanisms of the subjective age bias and its implications for work and organizations. Work, Aging & Retirement, 5, 273-280.    [IF: 5.682]

Weiss, D., Reitz, A. K., & Stephan, Y. (2019). Is age more than a number? The role of openness and (non)essentialist beliefs about aging for how young or old people feel. Psychology and Aging, 34, 729-737.    [IF: 4.201]

Zee, K. S., & Weiss, D. (2019). High-quality relationships strengthen the benefits of a younger subjective age across adulthood. Psychology and Aging, 34(3), 374-388.    [IF: 4.201]


Weiss, D. & Kornadt, A. E. (2018). Age-Stereotype Internalization and Dissociation: Contradictory Processes or Two Sides of the Same Coin? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27, 477–483.    [IF: 6.811]

Robertson, D. A. & Weiss, D. (2018). Rising above It: Status Ambivalence in Older Adults. Gerontology, 64, 576-588.    [IF: 5.597]

Weiss, D. (2018). On the inevitability of aging: Essentialist beliefs moderate the impact of negative age stereotypes on older adults’ memory performance and physiological reactivity. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences, 73, 925-933.    [IF: 4.942]


Robertson, D. A., & Weiss, D. (2017). In the eye of the beholder: Can counter-stereotypes change perceptions of older adults’ social status? Psychology and Aging, 32, 531-542.    [IF: 4.201]


Weiss, D. & Weiss, M. (2016), The interplay of subjective social status and essentialist beliefs about cognitive aging on cortisol reactivity to challenge in older adults. Psychophysiology, 53, 1256-1262    [IF: 4.348]

Weiss, D., Job, V., Mathias, M., Grah, S., & Freund A.M. (2016). The end is (not) near: Aging, essentialism, and future time perspective. Developmental Psychology, 6, 996-1009.    [IF: 4.497]

Lang, F. R., Gerstorf, D., Weiss, D., & Wagner, G. G. (2016). On differentiating adaptation from disposition concepts: The case of age-associated dynamics of life satisfaction. Journal of Individual Differences, 37, 206-210.   

Weiss, D., Sczesny, S., & Freund, A.M. (2016). Wanting to get more or protecting one’s assets: age-differential effects of gain versus loss perceptions on the willingness to engage in collective action. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 2, 254-264. 10.1093/geronb/gbu098    [IF: 4.942]


Weiss, D. (2014). What will remain when we are gone? Finitude and generation identity in the second half of life. Psychology and Aging, 29, 554-562.    [IF: 4.201]


Weiss, D., Sassenberg, K., & Freund, A. M. (2013). When feeling different pays off: How older adults can counteract negative age-related information. Psychology and Aging, 28. 1140-6.    [IF: 4.201]

Freund, A. M., Weiss, D., & Wiese, B. S. (2013). Graduating from high school: The role of gender-related attitudes, attributes, and motives for a central transition in young adulthood. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 10, 580-596.    [IF: 2.063]

Lang, F. R., Weiss, D., Gerstorf, D., & Wagner, G. G. (2013). Forecasting life satisfaction across adulthood: Benefits of seeing a dark future? Psychology and Aging, 28, 249-61. 10.1037/a0030797    [IF: 4.201]


Weiss, D., Freund, A. M., & Wiese, B. S. (2012). Mastering developmental transitions in young and middle adulthood: The interplay of openness to experience and traditional gender ideology on women’s self-efficacy and well-being. Developmental Psychology, 48, 1774-84.    [IF: 4.497]

Weiss, D. & Freund, A. M. (2012). Still young at heart: Negative age-related informationmotivates distancing from same-aged people. Psychology and Aging, 27, 173-80. 10.1037/a0024819    [IF: 4.201]

Weiss, D. & Lang, F. R. (2012a). “They” are old but “I” feel younger: Age-group dissociation as a self-protective strategy in old age. Psychology and Aging, 27, 153-63. 10.1037/a0024887    [IF: 4.201]

Weiss, D. & Lang, F. R. (2012b). Two faces of age identity. The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry, 25, 5-14. 10.1024/1662-9647/a000050    [IF: 1.359]


Weiss, D. & Lang, F. R. (2009). Thinking about my generation: Adaptive effects of a dual age identity in later adulthood. Psychology and Aging, 24, 729-734.    [IF: 4.201]

Lang, F. R., Weiss, D., Stocker, A., & von Rosenblatt, B. (2007). Assessing cognitive capacities in computer-assisted survey research: Two ultra-short tests of intellectual ability in the German Socioeconomic Panel (SOEP). Journal of Applied Social Science Studies, 127, 183-192.


Weiss, D. (2009). Aging identities: The ambivalence of age group and generation belonging. University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Germany.

Book Chapters

Weiss, D. (2022). Fixed and Inevitable or Malleable and Modifiable? (Non)Essentialist Beliefs and Subjective Aging. In Palgi, Y., Shrira, A., & Diehl, M. (Eds.), Subjective Views of Aging: Theory, Research, and Practice. Springer Nature.

Weiss, D. & Weiss, M. (2022). Beyond Chronological Age: Alternative Age Constructs and their Implications in the Work Context. In Zacher, H. & Rudolph, C. (Eds.), Age and Work: Advances in Theory, Methods, and Practice. The SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series. Routledge.

Weiss, D. (2019). Age-Group Dissociation. In D. Gu & M. E. Dupre (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer Nature.

Weiss, D., Freund, A. M., & Wiese, B. S. (2014). What should I do with my life? Motivational, personal, and contextual factors in mastering the transition from high school to college or the workforce. In I. Schoon & J. Eccles (Eds.), Gender differences in aspirations and attainment: A lifecourse perspective. Cambridge University Press.

Freund, A. M., Weiss. D., & Nikitin, J. (2013). Sozial-motivationale Entwicklung im Erwachsenenalter [Socio-motivational development in adulthood]. In L. Ahnert (Ed.), Theorien in der Entwicklungspsychologie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.

Weiss, D. (2013). Altersidentität [Age identity]. In Dorsch – Lexikon der Psychologie. Bern, Switzerland: Verlag Hans Huber.

Weiss, D. & Freund, A. M. (2013). Lebensbewältigung im Alter [Life management in old age]. In Dorsch – Lexikon der Psychologie. Bern, Switzerland: Verlag Hans Huber.


Weiss, D. (2023). A Motivated Social Cognitive Perspective on Aging: Acceptance or Reactance? BASIC LAB Colloquium, Department of Psychology, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.

Weiss, D. (2022). Doddering but Dear? How older adults can counteract negative age stereotypes. Kolloquium des Fachbereichs Verhaltens- und Kognitionswissenschaften, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Weiss, D. (2021). Ist Alter mehr als eine Zahl? Distanzierung, Differenzierung und alternative Altersidentitäten. Forschungskolloquium des Instituts für Psychologie, TU Chemnitz, Germany.

Weiss, D. (2019). Stepping Up and Stepping Down: The Dynamic Nature of Social Status Across the Life Span. Leipzig Research Center for Early Child Development, Germany.

Weiss, D. (2019). Social Status: A Life Span Perspective. Department of Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany.

Weiss, D. (2019). Die Psychologie des Älterwerdens: Eine Lebensspannen Perspektive [The Psychology of Aging: A Life Span Perspective]. Bauer Media Women KG, Stuttgart, Germany.

Weiss, D. (2019). The Dynamic Nature of Social Status Across the Life Span. Department of Psychology, Developmental Psychology: Adulthood, University of Zurich, Switzerland.

Weiss, D. (2018). Attitudes on aging and aging identity. Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging Seminar, Columbia University, New York City, NY, USA.

Weiss, D. (2018). Stepping up and stepping down: Social status across the life span. Department of Psychology, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany.

Weiss, D. (2018). Two faces of aging: The model of the Dual Age Identity. Xin LAB, Department of Psychology, Peking University, Beijing, China.

Weiss, D. (2018). A self-fulfilling prophecy? Age stereotype internalization and dissociation. Department of Psychology, Peking University, Beijing, China.

Weiss, D. (2018). Age stereotype internalization and dissociation: Psychological and physiological consequences.Monday Seminar, Department of Psychology, Columbia University, New York, USA.

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