Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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Abteilung Entwicklungspsychologie

Illustration: © Maximiliane Trescher

Illustration: © Maximiliane Trescher

Illustration: © Maximiliane Trescher

Entwicklungspsychologie der Lebensspanne

Die Entwicklungspsychologie der Lebensspanne untersucht Prozesse und Mechanismen nachhaltiger Veränderungen im menschlichen Erleben und Verhalten von der Kindheit bis ins hohe Erwachsenenalter.

“Aging is a lifelong process of growing up and growing older from birth to death, moving through all the strata in society; it is not simply growing old beyond some arbitrary point in the life course“ (Riley, 1985; p. 374).

Aktuelle Publikationen (Auswahl)

Weiss, D. & Blöchl, M. (2023). Loss of Social Status and Subjective Well-Being Across the Adult Life Span: Feeling Stuck or Moving Up? Social Psychological and Personality Science.    [IF: 5.316]

Weiss, D., Weiss, M., Rudolph, C. W., & Zacher, H. (2022). Tough Times at the Top: Occupational Status Predicts Changes in Job Satisfaction in Times of Crisis. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 139, 103804.    [IF: 12.082]

Weiss, M., Weiss, D., & Zacher, H. (2022). All set in stone? How essentialist beliefs about aging affect older workers' motivation to continue working beyond retirement age. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 1–16.    [IF: 8.174]

Weiss, D., Greve, W., & Kunzmann, U. (2022). Responses to Social Inequality Across the Life Span: The Role of Social Status and Upward Mobility Beliefs. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 1-17.    [IF: 3.021]

Weiss, D. & Diehl, M. (2021). Measuring (Non)Essentialist Beliefs About the Process of Aging. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences, 76, (7), 1340–1348.    [IF:4.942]

Blöchl, M., Nestler, S., & Weiss, D. (2021). A limit of the subjective age bias: Feeling younger to a certain degree, but no more, is beneficial for life satisfaction. Psychology and Aging, 36, 360–372.    [IF: 4.201]

Weiss, D. & Zhang. X (2020). Multiple Sources of Aging Attitudes: Perceptions of Age Groups and Generations from Adolescence to Old Age across China, Germany, and the US. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 6, 407-423.    [IF: 2.577]

Weiss, D. & Kornadt, A. E. (2018). Age-Stereotype Internalization and Dissociation: Contradictory Processes or Two Sides of the Same Coin? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27, 477-483.    [IF: 6.811]


Institut für Psychologie
Abteilung Entwicklungspsychologie

Emil-Abderhalden-Strasse 26-27
06108 Halle (Saale)

Institut für Psychologie
06099 Halle (Saale)

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