Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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Thomas John


Artikel in Zeitschriften mit Peer-Review-Verfahren

  • John, T. & Aslan, A. (2020). Age differences in the persistence of part-list cuing impairment: The role of retrieval inhibition and strategy disruption. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
  • Aslan, A. & John, T. (2019). Part-list cuing effects in younger and older adults' episodic recall. Psychology and Aging, 34, 262-267.
  • John, T. & Aslan, A. (2018). Part-list cuing effects in children: A developmental dissociation between the detrimental and beneficial effect. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 166, 705-712.
  • Aslan, A. & John, T. (2016). The development of adaptive memory: Young children show enhanced retention of animacy-related information. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 152, 343-350.
  • Aslan, A., Schlichting, A., John, T., & Bäuml, K.-H. T. (2015). The two faces of selective memory retrieval: Earlier decline of the beneficial than the detrimental effect with older age. Psychology and Aging, 30, 824-834.


  • John, T. & Aslan, A. (2019). Altersbezogene Unterschiede in der Persistenz des part-list cuing Effekts im episodischen Gedächtnis von Kindern. Paper presented at the Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (paEpsy) der DGPs in Leipzig, Germany.
  • John, T. & Aslan, A. (2018). Part-list cuing impairment in children: The role of encoding. Poster presented at the 60. TeaP in Marburg, Germany.
  • John, T. & Aslan, A. (2017). The effects of part-list cuing in children. Poster presented at the 59. TeaP in Dresden, Germany.
  • Aslan, A. & John, T. (2017). Part-list cuing effects in older adults' episodic memory. Poster presented at the 59. TeaP in Dresden, Germany.
  • John, T. & Aslan, A. (2016). Adaptive memory: The mnemonic animacy advantage in children. Poster presented at the 50. Congress of the DGPs (German Psychological Society) in Leipzig, Germany.


Übung zur Vorlesung "Grundlagen der Entwicklungspsychologie"

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