Prof. Dr. Torsten Schubert
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Institut für Psychologie
phone: ++49 (0)345 55 24350
fax: ++49 (0)345 55 27060
room 1.46.0
Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 26-27
06108 Halle (Saale)
Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung
postal address:
Prof. Dr. Torsten Schubert
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Institut für Psychologie
06099 Halle (Saale)
Prof. Dr. Torsten Schubert
Research Interests and Topics
- Executive control, working memory and attention
- Dual-task situations
- Non-conscious information processing
- fMRI and functional neuroanatomy
- Training of cognitive functions: action video gaming, working memory training
- Neuropsychology and age-related influences on cognitive and brain functions
Professional Career
- 1987 - 1993
Researcher at the Central Institute for Cybernetics and Information Processes, Academy of Science, Berlin - 1994 - 1996
Post-doc, Humboldt-University Berlin, Psychology - 1996 - 1999
Senior researcher Max-Planck Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, Leipzig, Neurology - 1999 - 2007
Assistant professor and senior researcher Humboldt-University Berlin, Psychology - 2007 - 2011
Professor for Experimental Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (substitute professorship) - 2011 - April 2016
Professor for General Psychology, Humboldt-University Berlin (substitute professorship) - since 2016
Professor for General Psychology, Department of Psychology, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Chair) - since June 2016
Managing Director, Center for media-enhanced Learning and Teaching, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
LLZ | Zentrum für multimediales Lehren und Lernen   
Beteiligung an Projektverbünden
Current PHD Students
Leif Langsdorf (MLU Halle-Wittenberg)
Daniel Darnstaedt (MLU Halle-Wittenberg)
Teresa Schurer (MLU Halle-Wittenberg)
Antonia Reindl (HU Berlin, Cluster of Excellence Bild Wissen Gestaltung)
Former PHD Students
Andre Szameitat (now Brunel University, UK)
Grit Hein (now University of Zurich, Ch)
Rico Fischer (now University of Greifswald)
Roman Liepelt (now German Sport University Cologne)
Christine Stelzel (now IPU Berlin)
Claudia Preuschhof (now University of Magdeburg)
Yiquan Shi (now TU Dresden)
Tilo Strobach (now Medical School Hamburg)
Elisabeth Hendrich (LMU Munich)
Tiina Salminen (now NeuroNation)
Alexander Soutschek (now University of Zurich)
Christina Reimer (HU Berlin, MLU Halle-Wittenberg, now Ghent University)
Luke Tudge (HU Berlin, Mind & Brain Berlin)
Sebastian Kübler (MLU Halle-Wittenberg, HU Berlin)