Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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M.Sc. Tara Radović

Institut für Psychologie

Raum: 1.18.0
Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 26-27
06108 Halle (Saale)

Telefon: +49 (0)345 55 24363
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M.Sc. Tara Radović
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Institut für Psychologie
06099 Halle (Saale)

Selected publications (peer-reviewed)

Radović T, Rieger T, Manzey D. A global and local perspective of interruption frequency in a visual search task. Front Psychol. 2022 Sep 16;13:951048. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.951048.   

Radović, T., & Manzey, D. (2022). Effects of complexity and similarity of an interruption task on resilience toward interruptions in a procedural task with sequential constraints. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 48(2), 159–173. doi:10.1037/xhp0000981   

Radović T and Manzey D (2019) The Impact of a Mnemonic Acronym on Learning and Performing a Procedural Task and Its Resilience Toward Interruptions. Front. Psychol. 10:2522. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02522   

Orlić, A., Grahek, I., & Radovic, T. (2013). The influence of valence and arousal on reasoning: Affective priming in semantic verification task. Psihologija, 47(2).

Selected conference talks and poster presentations:

Tara Radović & Dietrich Manzey (2022). Can different mnemonic acronyms improve resilience toward interruptions in a memory-based procedural tasks with sequential constraints? 63rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, USA

Tara Radović & Dietrich Manzey (2022). Effects of different mnemonic acronyms on resilience toward interruptions in procedural tasks with sequential constraints. Symposium: Interruptions in memory-based tasks @ ESCoP 22, Lille, France.

Tara Radović & Dietrich Manzey (2021). Effects of complexity and similarity of interruptions on the resumption costs in a procedural task with sequential constraints. 63rd Conference of Experimental Psychologists TeaP, Ulm, Germany.

Tara Radović & Dietrich Manzey (2019). Effects of complexity and processing code of an interruption task on the performance in a procedural task with sequential constraints. 21st conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Tenerife, Spain.

Tara Radović & Dietrich Manzey (2018). Effects of Mnemonic Acronyms on Procedural Task Execution and Resilience Toward Interruptions. 59th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, USA

Tara Radović (2018). Automatic Imitation Tendencies in Whole Body Movement. 41st European Conference for Visual Perception (ECVP), Trieste, Italy.

Tara Radović & Slobodan Marković (2016). Role of emotional and perceptual features in visual search task. The Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, Trieste, Italy.
